ZERO Collection Instructions

Thanks for buying from our ZERO collection! You may think they are so simple that they don't really require any instructions, but we thought it would be nice to illustrate their versatility and how you can use them at home.

For simplicity, we put them all on the same page, just scroll to the one relevant to you.

ZERO #2 | Submarine phone stand

We designed the phone stand because we always live with our phones in our pockets (or hands!) but it's good to have a dedicated place where they can rest (and give you some rest!) when you are at home or at work. 

I, personally, keep a phone holder at home and one on my desk at work, and that's where my phone goes as soon as I enter.

Most phone holders, can hold just one phone but actually plenty of people have 2, and in a household you are likely to have more than one for sure. As our phone holder has 2 slots (one straighter and another more titled), it can hold both my and my wife's phones when we are at home, and both my business and personal phone when I am at work. Very handy!

Phone Stand - vertical positions

The 2 front positions are great when you are making video calls or watching something on the sofa or in bed as they allow for different viewing angles and camera positions. And it fits both portrait and landscape orientations.  

I hate making a video call for a long time holding the phone pointing at my face, I just put in place so I can then freely talk and move around, letting the phone holder do the rest.

Phone holder - horizontal

The horizontal slot is very useful when I do yoga standing, and I need to watch the tutorial, but it also works great when cooking and playing the video of a recipe.

Phone holder - Cards

But who said it can only hold phones! In our showroom, we use it for business cards too and it works great for iPads too.

ZERO #1 and #4, Whale and Snake trivets

My son loves animals and especially whales so the first thing that came to my mind when we decided to design small objects for the ZERO collection was a whale. I wanted to make a trivet to use when we have tea so in my head it had to fit in a square. That's how the whale trivet was born, a square whale.

Simple, elegant, playful and useful. Having a tea can't do anything else than making you feel better and our whale does the same with its cheerful design.

After the whale, I wanted to make something wider, that could be used with bigger cooking pots and there the snake came along, with its cheeky tong.

It actually works great with teapots too as it sneaks out on one side, bringing some fun to your every day breakfast table.

When you don't need it, both the whale and the snake can rest gracefully in your kitchen or living room, unless they are in your child's reach! 

ZERO #3 Daisy coaster sets

You can't have trivets without coasters so I wanted something simple but with a playful element to it, that's how the daisy coaster sets came to life. 2 simple shapes, complementary: a circle and a circle with a slice clipped off.

They are great as a centre piece when resting in their flower shape, but I actually prefer piling them in a tower, or even vertically, standing on the sliced corners.

My son loves playing with them too when they are not in use as he stacks them or arrange them on the table in different ways. 

We hope you enjoy your ZERO products as much as we enjoy them!

To view the full collection, you can go here.